Harassment Prevention Training [英語版:ハラスメント対策研修]

Comprehensive knowledge and hands-on practices for preventing and responding to harassment effectively.

In this course, participants will analyze specific harassment cases in order to identify behaviors that may be perceived as harassing as well as learn essential skills and mindsets necessary to cultivate an environment where everyone feels respected.











Harassment Prevention Trainingはオンライン研修に対応しています

研修コード:101259   更新日:

Harassment Prevention Trainingの狙い

Learn how to recognize warning signs, establish preventive measures, and effectively address harassment when it arises



This is a fundamental training course that is essential for all levels of employees.

Harassment Prevention Trainingを実施すると

  1. Gain a clear understanding of the different types of harassment
  2. Develop practical skills for preventing and addressing harassment effectively.
  3. Create a positive work environment by developing essential communication skills.

リスキル Harassment Prevention Trainingの概要

This comprehensive training program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent and address harassment effectively. By understanding the risks, recognizing red flags, and implementing proactive measures, participants will contribute to a safer and more respectful work environment.

本研修 3つの特徴

1. Have a better understanding of what is considered harassment

Participants will have a better understanding of the different criteria of sexual harassment and abuse of power through different case studies. They will also see how they can avoid them from happening.

2. Understand what borderlines as harassment

There are cases where actions are not considered as either sexual harassment or abuse of power due to the ambiguity of harassment. Thus, it is important for leaders to clearly see what actions are considered harassment.

3. Have the opportunity to re-learn communication.

Gain a clear understanding of what is considered necessary communication to employees. Being able to prevent harassment by checking the different methods of instructing employees.


6時間 (変更が可能です)

Harassment Prevention Trainingカリキュラム


1. Harassment Overview 【ゴール】Gain a comprehensive understanding of harassment
  • [Ice breaker] - What is harassment?
  • What is harassment? [Different types of harassment in a work environment/Two central types of harassment]
  • Why harassment puts companies at significant risk [Lawsuits/Legal repercussions]
  • The importance of having harassment training [Understand that anyone can get involved in harassment complaints/protect oneself]
2. Sexual Harassment 【ゴール】Review and analyze sexual harassment concepts and prevention measures
  • What is sexual harassment? [Strengthen measures to prevent sexual harassment/Legal responsibilities of employers and employees are explicitly stated.]
  • Types of sexual harassment [Transactional and environmental sexual harassment]
  • Preventing sexual assault [4 steps]
3. Power Harassment 【ゴール】Understand the basics of power harassment and measures to combat it
  • What is power harassment [Factors for determining power harassment]
  • Six types of power harassment conduct
  • [Activity] - What type of risk do you think your actions might present?
  • Measures to prevent power harassment
  • Situations that aren’t power harassment
  • [Case study] - [Case 1] - Social welfare corporation/[Case 2] - Book sales company
4. Safe Working Environment 【ゴール】Create a safe working environment and discover ways for providing psychological safety
  • Create a safe environment [Psychological safety, When psychological comfort is lacking]
  • Actions to enhance team psychological comfort [Create a supportive environment, Sincerity and tolerance within the team, Emphasize and maintain a positive mindset]
  • [Exercise] - Confirm the current situation
5. Effective Communication Methods 【ゴール】Deepen understanding of communication methods that prevent harassment
  • Understand the other person's values [Aligning with the values of your employees values/Know as much as possible about what your employees want/Understand values].
  • Communication skills [Feeling accepted and understood, makes others more likely to share/How active listening occurs]/[Exercise] - Active listening confirmation
  • Speaking skills [Consider things from the other person's perspective/Start the conversation with your opinion (conclusion)/Communicate logically/Shorten your sentence].
  • Praising others [Why is it necessary to give praise?/Three types of acknowledgement
  • [Short exercise] - Think of praise for each type of acknowledgment.
  • Ways to giving feedback effectively
  • [Exercise] Is this constructive feedback? [3 cases]
6. Initial Harassment Response 【ゴール】Learn appropriate initial responses to harassment and how to prevent its reoccurrence.
  • Response sequence when harassment occurs.
  • Confirming the facts [Interviews with victim and the alleged perpetrator].
  • Conducting interviews that gain trust.
  • [Exercise] - Practice interview based on case studies
  • Using the interview to determine the presence or absence of harassment [Analyze investigation results/Recognizing harassment]
  • Resolving the issue
  • Consider harassment prevention measures
  • [Exercise] - Use case studies to develop harassment prevention measures



  • 後からの人数変更も無料で対応しています
  • 研修のアレンジにも追加料金はかかりません
  • オンライン研修でも追加料金無し。急遽変更でも料金変わらず対応可能です

Harassment Prevention Training参加者の必須条件

This training is recommended for all employees, regardless of their experience or position.



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オンラインHarassment Prevention Training 詳細>


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電話受付:月〜金 9:00-19:00(土日祝も研修実施)